Building a simple Stack in Java. (Part 2)

- 4 mins

In the post yesterday we started putting together a simple Stack using Java and we stopped at the last failing test which was this:

  public void multipleItemsCanBePoppedFromTheStack() {
    assertEquals("wat", stack.pop());
    assertEquals("woot", stack.pop());

To make the test pass and not break any previous ones we’ll put the right implementation in place and will use a Linked List for that. I’ll post the full code and explain each part individually. Before that I put together a small diagram which can be found here, that explains the browser example I gave in yesterdays post in a more visual way.

The final code implementing a Linked List and making the final test pass follows:

public class Stack {
  private int size;
  private Link head;

  private class Link {
    private String value;
    private Link next;

    public Link(String item){
      value = item;

    public String getValue() {
      return value;

    public Link getNext() {
      return next;

    public void setNext(Link item) {
      next = item;

  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return size == 0;

  public int getSize() {
    return size;

  public void push(String item) {
    Link newItem = new Link(item);
    Link oldHead = head;
    head = newItem;

  public String pop() {
    Link oldHead = head;
    head = oldHead.getNext();
    return oldHead.getValue();

There’s a few things going on. First of a new class was introduced Link which has two attributes; A value which will be a string and next which will be an Item. When a new Link is created it takes a string as an argument which sets the value of the value attribute. We then create two getters getValue and getNext plus a setter setNext, for the next attribute.

Next up is the part which took me a while to wrap my head around, possibly because I was visually imagining it from the wrong perspective. Lets start with the push method. When a new item is pushed in, it does the following:

If you are confused don’t worry, I’m pretty sure most people including me are when they look at the above, at least the first couple of times. To help I’ve put together another diagram continuing with the browser example which hopefully make things more clear. The only part from the above that is there from before is the increment of size.

The pop method is a bit more straightforward:

Again this diagram might be helpful in order to understand the chain of events. I also found looking at both events, push and pop, together helps even more so this is a shot of both diagrams combined. The one thing that initially confused me was thinking about a Linked List as an array. That’s the first thing I was thinking we would need to implement at some point and that thought didn’t leave me even after we had done the final solution. Once I went through it a couple more times and drew some diagrams it became more clear.

Implementing the above was an interesting challenge but it helped me understand a commonly used data structure which in turn increased my knowledge of the fundamentals of programming significantly. I would definitely encourage anyone to do the same in any language they’re learning. Practising these sort of things is essential and will be doing more of these as I move forward.

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