Handling the right Exceptions

- 6 mins

In the last couple of weeks I was tasked with re-arranging the structure of my ruby TTT game using some design patterns and architectural principles. The goal was to better understand these principles and where they might be useful as well as where they might not. During the process I also learned other things which don’t necessarily fall under the above categories and it’s one of those things that I will be writing about in this post.

The Right Exception

As it is obvious from the title post, the topic will be Exceptions and more specifically exceptions in Ruby and how to handle certain situations as well as avoiding some pitfalls which I fell in myself.

When I was writing the CLI version of my Game, I wanted to deal with the situation in which a user would exit the program abruptly with a ctrl-c for example. Instead of seeing the error and stacktrace, I wanted a simple “Thanks and goodbye” message to be dislayed. To do so however I first had to catch that interruption error and then display the message I want. For some reason when I was implementing this, I decided that rescuing Exception was a good idea (Yes, I can see your eyes rolling). My code looked something like this:

module CLI
  class Game

    def start
	  rescue Exception


Now the problem with this for anyone who doesn’t know about Exceptions in Ruby can be seen in this diagram taken from the Programming Ruby book. Since the Exception class is the “mother” of all exceptions, this meant I was setting up myself for a few issues along the road.

Hiding API changes

Rescuing the parent class automatically meant that I was rescuing all of it’s children too and one of the first instances that I noticed something was wrong was when I made changes to the core API that was used by CLI::Game.

For example the play_game method was using the next_player_makes_move method from the core Game class. The original method took a display argument like so next_player_makes_move(display). When I changed the core gem and removed the display argument, I was expecting to see that change breaking at least couple of tests in the CLI::Game with the classic ArgumentError.

“Naturally” the tests were green and I was baffled. It might of been the time of the day that I was writing the code but I couldn’t understand how it didn’t complain about the change in the signature of the method. A glance at the diagram above though and the answer is fairly obvious. Since the display argument was not used at all in the body of the method, the code still worked fine and when the ArgumentError was raised, it was rescued by the block in the start method and life was back to “normal”.

This meant that any future changes made that would or could break the system, would go undetected and only show up when things went really wrong. Hours or days could be lost trying to figure out the problem.

Hiding wrong test setup

Another result of the above exception handling was the fact that couple of my tests were broken but again they were showing up green. The issue was the setup code the tests were using. One of the tests can be seen below:

it 'restarts the game' do
  core_game.board = winning_board_for_x
  allow(display).to receive(:another_round?).and_return(true)
  expect(core_game.board_grid).to eq [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

The test essentially checked that when an end state is reached (win for x) then when a user selects to play again (stubbing the another_round? method on display), the board would be reset. This is the code inside the play_another_round method:

def play_another_round
  if display.another_round?

As soon as I changed the exception I was catching to the appropriate Interrupt then the above test went in the red. The reason? After the board was reset, the start method was being called again so I was running the whole sequence again. At the top in the set_game_choice method the input stream was receiving the wrong stuff which resulted in a NoMethodError for the Nil class.

Again looking at the exceptions hierarchy NoMethodError’s main ancestor is Exception. The test was happy as soon as the board was reset so when the exception was thrown the rescue block caught it and everything was supposedly good even though my setup was wrong.

Having the wrong setup leads to the wrong tests and that inevitably leads to the wrong design. If the tests are not telling you the truth and exposing the pain of a wrong design then there’s a much higher price to be paid later down the line.


I was lucky and caught the mistake I made early on. By making the changes to the public api of the gem, I was expecting the CLI::Game to break and when it didn’t, it became obvious there was a problem. My program is fairly small compared to most programs out in the wild so I can only imagine the plethora of issues the above scenario would cause to a system much larger. When dealing with exceptions, catching the right one becomes priority number one. In Ruby if you are not sure about the different ones, have a look at the diagram I link to above. Another way is catching the exception and checking its ancestors:

# some code
rescue Interrupt => e
  puts e.class.ancestors

#=> SignalException
#=>	Exception
#=>	Object
#=>	Kernel
#=>	BasicObject

The article from which I found the diagram can be found here and it covers exceptions at a great length.

These sort of mistakes are the ones that stick with you and remember. I’m just glad it happened now in such a small scale and in an environment where it’s acceptable to fail.

author selfie

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